The Socialist League, a breakaway from the Social Democratic
Federation (SDF), which was established in the 1880s by William Morris,
Eleanor Marx, Edward Aveling and other pioneering socialists, was
remarkably close to the Socialist Party in its ideas and aims. However
its confused position on parliament and the ballot box despite its
correct opposition to campaigning for reforms led to it being overrun by
anarchists and to the resignation of genuine socialists such as Morris.
The strategy of Morris and the others was the "making" of socialists
who understood and wanted an end to capitalism and wanted the
establishment of a socialist society. This ran counter to the object
both of anarchists who simply wanted to destroy the state, and of those
"socialists" who wanted to concentrate on building a large party with
its roots in the trade unions which could somehow reform capitalism out
of existence. Some fourteen years after the Socialist League was overrun
by anarchists in 1890, the Socialist Party of Great Britain was
founded. Like the League, it was a breakaway from the SDF but, while
echoing the League's call for revolution and nothing less, addressed the
issues which had led to the League's failure.
Revolution not reform
The Socialist League was founded in 1884 after the resignation of a
number of socialists from the SDF which had taken the position of
working gradually for socialism through the winning of reforms,
so-called stepping stones to socialism. Disgruntled with the
undemocratic nature of H.M. Hyndman's leadership and seeing the
absurdity and inevitable failure of trying to change capitalism and its
essential profit-making drive through legal changes, William Morris,
Eleanor Marx, Edward Aveling, Belfort Bax and others established a
separate body committed to socialism and nothing less. Morris wrote:
"The palliatives over which many worthy people are busying
themselves now are useless because they are but unorganised partial
revolts against a vast wide-spreading, grasping organisation which will,
with the unconscious instinct of a plant, meet every attempt to
bettering the conditions of the people with an attack on a fresh side."
The Manifesto of the Socialist League, drafted by Morris and Bax and
adopted in 1885, stated firmly the stance of the League against
reformism and for social revolution and nothing else:
"As to mere politics, Absolutism, Constitutionalism,
Republicanism. All have been tried in our day and under our present
system, and all have failed in dealing with the real evils of life.
Nor, on the other hand, will certain incomplete schemes of social reform now before the public solve the question.
Co-operation so-called—that is, competitive co-operation for
profit—would merely increase the number of small joint-stock
capitalists, under the mask of creating an aristocracy of labour, while
it would intensify the severity of labour by its temptations to
Nationalisation of the land alone, which many earnest and sincere
persons are now preaching, would be useless so long as labour was
subject to the fleecing of surplus value inevitable under the Capitalist
No better solution would be that State Socialism, by whatever name
it may be called, whose aim it would be to make concessions to the
working class while leaving the present system of capital and wages in
operation: no number of merely administrative changes; until the workers
are in a possession of all political power, would make any real
approach to Socialism.
The Socialist League therefore aims at the realisation of complete
Revolutionary Socialism, and well knows that this can never happen in
any one country without the help of the workers of all civilisation."
After a century and more of failed attempts at reforming capitalism,
the position of Morris and the League has been proved correct, as has
its position against what they called "state socialism" (more accurately
described as state capitalism) which has only succeeded in dividing the
working class and replacing the issue of class with the issue of
supporting one capitalist "nation" against another.
The ballot box
The League, however, was opposed to the idea of achieving socialism
via the ballot box and parliament. This was not on the grounds of
wanting to lead the working class to revolution in the belief that a
socialist majority could never exist, but on the grounds that
campaigning for election to parliament inevitably meant advocating
reforms of the present system. This mistaken conclusion was drawn due to
the number of so-called socialists in this period who were turning away
from social revolution and towards gradualism. Parliament, according to
the League, was a capitalist institution which would only be
strengthened by reformist policies and which would subvert a socialist
party from a body which campaigned for social revolution to a corrupt
body which would inevitably campaign for election on a reformist
programme. Even so, Morris did envisage that, at some stage, socialists
would enter parliament as rebels to dissolve capitalist power:
"I believe that the Socialists will certainly send members to
Parliament when they are strong enough to do so; in itself I see no harm
in that, so long as it is understood that they go there as rebels, and
not as members of the governing body prepared to pass palliative
measures to keep Society alive."
It was its opposition to the use of elections by connecting them to
the policy of reformism which was the weak link in the League's armour.
Opposition to parliament and elections led to the increasing membership
of anarchists, who saw the problems of society not as connected to
capitalism but to the institution of the state itself. They did not seek
to remove capitalism (the disease) by making socialists but sought to
destroy the state and authority (the symptom) by acts of violence. It
was this section of the League which grew in strength and eventually
displaced the genuine pioneer socialists who had established an
organisation and produced literature which still remain an inspiration
to socialists today. It has to be said, however, that many of these
pioneer socialists were beginning to turn to gradualism themselves, as
the working class seemingly turned to this course (but in reality only
opting for small improvements now rather than any conscious socialist
The Socialist League collapsed in the early 1890s with the departure
of William Morris in 1890 (who formed the Hammersmith Socialist
Society). After this its publication Commonweal, with the party
in general, declined to an ignominious mess after control passed to the
anarchists whose squabbles were an irrelevance to the working class.
Thus, the voice of socialism (despite the League's few
inconsistencies) was lost until the formation of the Socialist Party of
Great Britain in 1904 and its solving of the problems of earlier
socialists. Formed after a group of socialists grew disillusioned with
the reformist stance of the SDF (as the League pioneers had been twenty
years earlier), the Socialist Party solved the problem of reform or
revolution by a unique commitment to the use of the ballot box and the
democratic sending of socialists to parliament with the sole aim of
abolishing the profit system; a possible socialist minority in
parliament being committed to opposition to all policies that would help
prolong capitalism.
The Socialist Party has stood for socialism and nothing but ever
since. A bastion of socialist consciousness in a political wilderness of
capitalist party against capitalist party; free market or
nationalisation, private ownership or state ownership, left or right,
tweedledum or tweedledee. Capitalism is capitalism whichever mask it is
attempting to wear and the Socialist Party is the only party to have
stood for socialism throughout the twentieth century despite the
diversions of Lenin, Keynesians and a host of others attempting to
change capitalism without a socialist majority that understands and
desires it. Capitalism's appearance may have changed in the last hundred
years but no amount of tinkering can change the essential
labour-fleecing and profit-seeking which makes it tick and which
socialists understand must be removed before socialism can exist.
Socialism remains as relevant for humanity today as it did then.
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